Jimi Heselden und British Person-Info 

( Ich bin Jimi Heselden)
(1 - 12 von 13

Millionaire Segway owner dies in cliff fall | Reuters

The British millionaire businessman who owns the firm Segway has been found dead at the bottom of a cliff with one of the two-wheeled electric scooters near...

Owner of Segway Jimi Heselden dies after scooter cliff fall aged

The British millionaire businessman and owner of Segway, Inc., the manufacturer of Segway PT, Jimi Heselden OBE, has died after apparently ...

Segway company owner rides scooter off cliff - World news - Europe |...

A British businessman, who bought the Segway company less than a year ago, died after riding one of the scooters off a cliff and into a river near his...
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Michael Striese
Vorname "Jimi" (196)
Name "Heselden" (3)