Joanna Norman Person-Info 

( Ich bin Joanna Norman)


(1 - 4 von 10

V&A Dundee offers glimpse into its Scottish Design Galleries - BBC...
A 15th Century book of manuscripts and a Jacobite garter will be included in the museum's collection.

Brad Pitt's starring role for Chanel revealed - Telegraph
Hollywood actor Brad Pitt has become the first ever male spokesperson of Chanel's iconic No.5 perfume.

Spectacular diamond tiara from to go on display at UK museum
A carat diamond tiara from Cartier with a spectacular history will go on display at the V&A Museum of Design Dundee in the second half of 2018, IDI...

FOCUS: Ausstellungen: Budapester Kunst in London - FOCUS …

Nach Angaben von Kuratorin Joanna Norman ist es Ziel der Show, ungarische Kunst in „einen breiteren europäischen Zusammenhang“ zu stellen. Die Terminwahl sei nicht zufällig. „Wir wollten ...
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