Joanna Pearson Person-Info 

( Ich bin Joanna Pearson)


(1 - 4 von 10

She lost 185 pounds to pursue the 'heart of a warrior' | CNN
Sitting on a plane and not being able to buckle her seat belt -- that was the moment Joanna Pearson decided she would do whatever it took to lose weight.

Lawyer who lost nearly 200 pounds says she's now 'haunted' by loose...
Joanna Pearson was horrified when she had to ask for a seat belt extender on a flight - and vowed to lose weight.

Woman with excess skin starts fundraiser to get rid of it | Metro News
Joanna Pearson was left with excess skin after dramatic weight loss and launched a GoFundMe page to raise funds for skin removal surgery.

Belle Boggs & Joanna Pearson - INDY Week
Novels The Gulf and Every Human Love.
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Person "Pearson" (1)
Vorname "Joanna" (7526)
Name "Pearson" (931)
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