Jochen Linssen und Energy Person-Info 

( Ich bin Jochen Linssen)
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Aktuelles - METIS Abschlusstreffen - metis-platform
10:15, Application of the Model-Suite, Jochen Linssen. 10:35, Break. Complexity Management. 10:50, Complexity Management for Energy System Optimization ... › _Documents › Events

Current gas price: how much does a kilowatt hour cost |
— According to the energy expert Jochen Linssen, there are probably several reasons why both the wholesale market and the end consumer prices ... › today

metis-platform - Aktuelles - Abschlusstreffen
— 10:15, Application of the Model-Suite, Jochen Linssen. 10:35, Break. Complexity Management. 10:50, Complexity Management for Energy System ... › _Documents › News