Joe Li Person-Info 

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Google News: Stop using Markham town staff as personal workforce

[] - It wasn't enough that Regional Councillor Joe Li wasted Markham taxpayer dollars on town staff investigating what Markham could do to protest Maclean's magazine's “Too Asian?” article. At least that was done under the guise of fighting racism.

Li admits to breaking rules
[] - Joe Li. Markham councillor says he made mistake when he used town resources to help raise funds for Ontario PC Leader Tim Hudak. A Markham councillor who used town resources to help raise funds for Ontario Conservative Leader Tim Hudak is admitting to

Markham council attendance at a glance
[] - Regional Councillor Joe Li also hopes to become a so-called full-time councillor soon. Mr. Li, who says he has been juggling his time between his family home in Scarborough and a condo in Markham, said he's in the process of “gradually withdrawing from

Google News: New Developments

[The Hospitalist Online] - Along with SHM President Joe Li and Rob Bessler, who is CEO of Sound Physicians, I had the pleasure of presenting a preview of some data from the latest SHM-MGMA survey at the annual meeting May 11 in Dallas. During the session, I asked the large crowd
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