Joel A. Pellicci Person-Info 

( Ich bin Joel A. Pellicci)


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Homeless man kicked out of McDonald’s after customer buys him food
Joel Pellicci Jr., the owner of the McDonald's, said in a statement to WMBF that this has been an ongoing problem: “At my restaurant, the goal is ...

Video of homeless man kicked out of McDonald's after customer buys...
Joel Pellicci Jr., the owner of the McDonald's. The McDonald's management responded to Gallo's criticisms by asking him to quiet down.

McDonald's kick out homeless man after customer buys him › americas
Joel Pellicci Jr, who works at the McDonald's where the incident took place in Myrtle Beach, told WMBF News: ”At my restaurant, the goal is to ...

Customer thrown out of McDonald's after buying homeless man a meal |...
Customer thrown out of McDonald's after buying homeless man a meal
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Vorname "Joel" (6399)
Name "Pellicci" (35)
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