Joerg Junghanns Person-Info 

( Ich bin Joerg Junghanns)


Speaker Event - Jörg Junghanns (IB 2001) - businesstalks hfu
Joerg Junghanns: "It's all about data" On Thursday, May 18th, the former HFU student Jörg Junghanns organized on behalf of the IBAA with the topic "Digitalization in international logistics" the evening of numerous interested students. The HFU graduate has been working for the consulting company Accenture for 16 years now. The company supports its customers in over 120 countries and is active ...
Verwandte Suchanfragen zu Joerg Junghanns
Person "Junghanns" (2)
Vorname "Joerg" (8097)
Name "Junghanns" (415)
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