Johan Nijman Person-Info 

( Ich bin Johan Nijman)


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Uber will record the audio of people's journeys in taxis | The › ... › News
After dropping off passengers at a Broadway play, Johan Nijman, a for-hire driver who runs his own service and also drives for Uber on the side ...

Johan Nijman News
Latest Johan Nijman News from top sources, including

Judge Denies Injunction Calling Uber Drivers Employees and Granting...
Workers say Uber treats them like contract laborers to avoid paying minimum wage and overtime, reimbursing business expenses and providing other employee...

Ride-hail drivers face tough choices as US aid expires › news
Uber driver Johan Nijman faces a challenging decision as unemployment aid expires: risk failing to pay for groceries and even lose his home, ...
Verwandte Suchanfragen zu Johan Nijman
Vorname "Johan" (4339)
Name "Nijman" (44)
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