Johannes Wedenig und Unicef Malawi Representative Person-Info 

( Ich bin Johannes Wedenig)
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U-Report Malawi
Johannes Wedenig, UNICEF Malawi Representative said UNICEF continues to foster meaningful partnerships with mobile network operators in Malawi to increase ...

Call for applications: Participate in the humanitarian drone test...
... was opened by Malawi's Minister of Transport and Public Works, Jappie Mhango and UNICEF Malawi Representative Johannes Wedenig.

Humanitarian UAV Testing Corridor launches in Malawi ...
UNICEF Malawi Representative Johannes Wedenig explains why this technology could be beneficial in the country by saying, “Malawi has ...

Japan provides $1.25 million to UNICEF and WFP in response ...
... and are living in evacuation centres or with other families in their communities,” UNICEF Malawi Representative Johannes Wedenig said.