John Ashe und General Assembly President Person-Info 

( Ich bin John Ashe)
(1 - 29 von 46

Former U.N. leader John Ashe charged - CNN
John Ashe, General Assembly president from September to September 2014, is accused of using bribery money to finance a luxury ...

Former General Assembly president charged in UN corruption scandal
Former United Nations General Assembly President John Ashe accepted $1.3 million in bribes from shady Chinese businessmen — and used ...

Former UN General Assembly chief John Ashe dies amid bribery case |...
· Former U.N. General Assembly President John Ashe of the twin-island Caribbean nation of Antigua and Barbuda died on Wednesday in the ...

Former UNGA chief John Ashe dies amid graft casesThe Hindu
— General Assembly President John Ashe of the twin-island Caribbean nation of Antigua and Barbuda died on Wednesday in the United States even as ...