John Ashe und Nations General Assembly Person-Info 

( Ich bin John Ashe)
(1 - 18 von 28

John Ashe, indicted former U.N. leader, dies at CNN
John Ashe, the former president of the United Nations General Assembly in and 2014, died Wednesday while awaiting trial in a bribery ...

Former General Assembly president charged in UN corruption scandal
Former United Nations General Assembly President John Ashe accepted $1.3 million in bribes from shady Chinese businessmen — and used ...

‘No place at the United Nations’: Ex-UN General Assembly leader...
The president of the United Nations General Assembly President said corruption has no place there, after prosecutors accused one of his predecessors of...

Charged in bribery case, ex-UN General Assembly head ...Firstpost
— A former president of the United Nations General Assembly facing tax charges in a bribery case, John Ashe was released Monday on $1 million ...