John Chapman Person-Info 

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[] - Es spielt jetzt nämlich ein Stück mit dem Titel „Ein Schlüssel für zwei“ – eine Komödie von John Chapman und Dave Freeman. Regie: Rudolf Plent. Vorstellungen gibt es en suite in der Zeit vom 9. bis zum 26. Februar. Die Premiere beginnt am Donnerstag

KTBS › news › hom...Hometown Patriot: Remembering John Chapman - Shreveport
— SHREVEPORT, La. - In the early hours of March 2002, Air Combat Controller John Chapman and his squad were ambushed in the mountains of ...

John Chapman was an ‘incredible warrior,’ but here’s what made …
During a ceremony to mark Tech. Sgt. John Chapman’s induction into the Hall of Heroes at the Pentagon Air Force leaders provided an unparalleled view into the heart and soul of the man who has...

‘How incredible the sacrifice:' In the chaos of an Afghanistan battle …
22. avg · On a dark, snowy mountaintop in Afghanistan in 2002, combat controller Technical Sgt. John Chapman roused himself from unconsciousness.
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