John Connor und Sarah Person-Info 

( Ich bin John Connor)
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Terminator: Dark Fate and the Franchise's Complete Timeline | › Entertainment › movies
AP · Having failed to kill Sarah Connor, Skynet decides to send a terminator (the T model) back to kill John Connor as a child (Edward Furlong) ...

Sci-Fi-Serie "Terminator: Sarah Connor Chronicles" mit der 2. Staffel ...
"Du darfst nur eine Tasche mitnehmen, pack die Waffen ein", sagt die Mutter zu ihrem Sohn und schon sind Sarah und John Connor wieder auf der Flucht. Zu den wichtigsten Kindheitslektionen des Teenagers John gehörte, ...

Terminator Dark Fate: Is John Connor in the new sequel › film › termina...
SPOILERS: John Connor is a huge character in the Terminator franchise, but does he appear in Dark Fate alongside Sarah Connor?

Jason Clarke Cast as John Connor in 'Terminator: Genesis' | Rope of...
Jason Clarke has been cast as John Connor in Terminator: Genesis while Emilia Clarke and Brie Larson are under consideration for the Sarah Connor role.