John Foley Person-Info 

( Ich bin John Foley)


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Water district removes Fellow from board seat
[San Gabriel Valley Tribune] - But it was John Foley of Orange County who was unanimously elected last year to replace outgoing chairman Tim Brick. Still, Fellow said this week his name comes up as a potential chairman, which would benefit the entire San Gabriel Valley.

North America's Leading Procurement Services Company Once Again Selects ...
[Hospitality Net (press release)] - “We've shared a great partnership with Avendra the past five years,” said John Foley, Vice President of Sales, Safemark. “The savings yielded from Avendra's immense annual purchasing volume, combined with our superior security products

Google News: Maior rede de livrarias dos EUA vira empresa de software

[The Wall Street Journal Americas] - Além de Lynch, entre os outros altos executivos que estão remodelando o negócio estão Jamie Iannone, de 38 anos, presidente de produtos digitais e supervisor de todos os assuntos relacionados ao Nook, e John Foley, de 40 anos, presidente da

Google News: Brookfield Central, East advance to sectionals

[Brookfield Elm Grove Now] - John Foley and Pat O'Brien combined on a no-hitter, pitching only five innings in the win as the 10-run rule applied. Foley walked three and hit a batter and fanned two in four innings and O'Brien pitched one inning, striking out one.
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