John Malkovich und Being Person-Info 

( Ich bin John Malkovich)
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Arcade Fire leave the studio and blaze their way on to the big screen
[Independent] - And now the Montreal band have teamed up with Spike Jonze, the director of Being John Malkovich, to create their first film, Scenes from the Suburbs.

Unsere Berlinale Highlights und Erwartungen
[MOVIEPILOT NEWS] - Wenn allerdings Chan-wook Park (Oldboy) und Spike Jonze (Being John Malkovich) ihr Faible für das kurze Format entdecken, dann zieht es auch mich in die

Google News: Catherine Keener And John Malkovich May Star For My Idiot Brother Director Peretz

[Cinema Blend] another drama-tinged comedy titled What's This S%^@ Called Love that might reunite Being John Malkovich co-stars Catherine Keener and John Malkovich for

Google News: Arcade Fire: Video von Spike Jonze

[LAXMag] - Klar, nach Streifen wie Being John Malkovich, Adaption, Jackass: The Movie und Wo die Wilden Kerle wohnen braucht man endlich mal eine echte Herausforderung