John Mertic Person-Info 

( Ich bin John Mertic)


SugarCRM ernennt Open-Source-Legende John Mertic zum Manager seiner...
Das Unternehmen zählt mehr als Nutzer für seine Community Edition und stellt neue Entwicklungstools vor.

SugarCRM 6.3 enhances importing in Community Edition - The H Open:...
SugarCRM 6.3 enhances importing in Community Edition John Mertic, said the new release provides

Hadoop Standards Group ODPi Releases Runtime Specification - The New...
That's half of the problem there,” said said John Mertic, senior program manager for OPDi, who concedes “There are some that agree there's a ...

Hadoop Summit Brings Big Data News - Enterprise Apps Today
Multiple Big Data vendors and efforts debut new Hadoop technologies at this week's summit in California.
Verwandte Suchanfragen zu John Mertic
Vorname "John" (38044)
Name "Mertic" (2)
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