John Murzaku Person-Info 

( Ich bin John Murzaku)


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‘Deceptive’ record for French wine exports as tariffs bite - Decanter
French wine exports rose in 2019, but the country's export association, FEVS, warned that shipments dropped after the onset of US import tariffs...

Auch wenn Marke und Weingut nicht bekannt sind: Hauptsache Wein!
Deutschlands Weintrinker kennen nicht einmal die bekanntesten Marken und Weingüter, wie der „Weinatlas 2018“ von Splendid Reseach zeigt.

Mathematics and Catholic Studies Double Major Selected for › news › google-su...
John Murzaku, a Mathematics and Catholic Studies double major was selected as a Google Summer of Code paid participant.

French wineries to get aid as new US tariffs bite - Decanter
New import tariffs on some French and German wines arrived in January 2021, as French wineries are promised extra aid and the US trade looks to Biden
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Vorname "John" (38044)
Name "Murzaku" (1)
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