John Redwood und British Person-Info 

( Ich bin John Redwood)
(1 - 17 von 18

Thatcher vs the miners: official papers confirm the strikers’ worst...
The sight of a British prime minister calculating ferry numbers, lorry numbers and tonnages to defeat a strike will certainly surprise anybody who took at face...

Guardian: Cheers & jeers | Business | The Guardian

Three cheers for the Ministry of Defence, which has spared thousands of shipbuilding jobs. British shipyards this week won new orders worth more than £1bn....

Margaret Thatcher's chief policy adviser: John Redwood - RN Breakfast...
John Redwood was Thatcher's chief policy adviser, also a cabinet minister in former British prime minister John Major's government and challenger for the...

Tories for Trump: Boris Johnson and John Redwood get excited |...
Evidence is mounting that Nigel Farage is not the only British politician to be excited about the rise of Donald Trump. Rebel Tory backbencher Philip Davies...
Verwandte Suchanfragen zu John Redwood
Iain Dale
Vorname "John" (38044)
Name "Redwood" (17)