John Roderick MacDonald Person-Info 

( Ich bin John Roderick MacDonald)


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Everyone knows John A. Macdonald was a bit of a drunk, but it’s...
He got belligerent at dinner parties, he disappeared on days-long benders and was repeatedly seen showing up to Parliament so blasted that he could barely talk

Sir John A. Macdonald, the greatest PM of all | The Star
On the 200th anniversary of the birth of John A. Macdonald, his biographer defends the embattled legacy of the wily politician without whom ...

Roderick Macdonald: A mentor to generations of lawyers - The Globe...
Unconventional thinker bridged French and English legal traditions as dean of McGill law school, head of Law Commission of Canada

Captain John Macdonald-Buchanan - obituary - Telegraph
Captain John Macdonald-Buchanan was a soldier who saved a vital code-book in the heat of battle but met his match in the Horse of the Year Show
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