John Selway Person-Info 

( Ich bin John Selway)


(1 - 4 von 20

Artist’s work a ‘moving chronicle’ of his battle with cancer - Wales...
Painter John Selway has unveiled a series of 12 self-portraits at the Kickplate Gallery in Abertillery

Obituary: John Wright | The Independent
John Wright, the former principal of Newport Art College, knew from the age of five that he wanted to become an artist. A schoolmate showed him how to draw an...

Dubspot NY EDU Sessions: Ableton Live Techno Fundamentals w/ John...
In this workshop techno producers John Selway and Elliot Taub (Ulysses) will share their method for creating stripped down techno music using hardware ...

Exhibition of artwork on display that spans 50 years | South Wales...
AN EXHIBITION in Cwmbran is currently capturing over fifty years of painting by a Gwent artist.
Verwandte Suchanfragen zu John Selway
Christian Smith
Vorname "John" (38044)
Name "Selway" (18)
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