John Zorn Person-Info 

( Ich bin John Zorn)


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Google News: Bill Frisell and Vinícius Cantuária at Yoshi's in Oakland

[Jazz Police (blog)] - Living in New York, he partnered with Motian, John Zorn and Joe Lovano, among others. Relocating to Seattle in 1988, Frisell began working on silent film

Laurie Anderson: I am speaking on behalf of Alyaksandr Atroshchankau (Video)
[Charter 97] - Such world's most acclaimed musicians as Jean Michel Jarre and Peter Gabriel, Brian Eno and John Zorn, Lou Reed and Bobby McFerrin consider it an honour to

Portland Jazz Festival highlights African-American and Jewish collaborations
[Seattle Times] - On the other hand, obvious programming choices have been overlooked — such as New York composer John Zorn, who spearheaded the Radical Jewish Culture

Jazz notes
[The Press, York] while Hero Of The Bus is a tour de force, electronic tweaks added to the playfully jousting instruments, with a dash of John Zorn thrash-jazz.
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