Jolanda Neff Person-Info 

( Ich bin Jolanda Neff)


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Canada's mountain bike women seek to use Rio to replace...
Emily Batty was badly injured in a training run and Catharine Pendrel had a disappointing finish. They are in better frames of mind for Rio

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NZZ: Mountainbike-WM: Jolanda Neff verpasst Medaille | NZZ

Sie war als Titelverteidigerin und Top-Favoritin an den Heim-Weltmeisterschaften in Lenzerheide angetreten. Doch die St. Gallerin Jolanda Neff muss sich mit Rang 4 begnügen. Die Goldmedaille geht

Cycling: Rissveds wins Sweden's first cycling gold for 40 years -...
Jenny Rissveds claimed Sweden's first Olympic cycling gold for 40 years with a superb victory in the women's cross-country on Saturday, producing a devastating...
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