Jonathan Appling Person-Info 

( Ich bin Jonathan Appling)


(1 - 4 von 15

Officer shoots, wounds suspect in Alabama after police chaseWashington Times
— But we're just thankful it wasn't any worse than it was,” said Jonathan Appling, a state trooper spokesman.

Appling Encourages Driving Safely - Jasper High School
— March 20, Senior Trooper Jonathan Appling spoke to the WHS student body on safe driving and the importance of avoiding distracted driving. › News

ALEA State Troopers encourage seat belt use after recent fatal wrecks
"A lot of people feel like they don't want to wear a seat belt, they have different reasons why," says Trooper Jonathan Appling. "But it's not just ...

Boating season fast approaching | Daily Mountain Eagle
While life vests are a priority in boats, Jonathan Appling, public information officer for the Alabama Law Enforcement Agency, said seat belts will ...
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Tommy Coleman
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Name "Appling" (103)
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