Joseph L. Votel und Middle East Person-Info 

( Ich bin Joseph L. Votel)
(1 - 13 von 26

Top US general Joseph Votel says Trump did not consult him on Syria...
The commander of US Central Command, which oversees military operations in the Middle East, said Tuesday he "was not consulted" prior to ...

Joseph Votel: Ex-top US general in Middle East slams Trump's › › politics › votel-syria-trump
The decision was made without consulting US allies or senior US military leadership and threatens to affect future partnerships at precisely the ...

Joseph Votel, top U.S. commander in Middle East: 'The fight is not...
The top U.S. military officer in the Middle East told lawmakers Tuesday he wasn't consulted before President Donald Trump announced a withdrawal from Syria.

Gen. Joseph L. Votel makes unusual visit to Israel - Washington Times
The top U.S. commander in the Middle East made an unannounced visit to Israel on Tuesday, meeting with his Israeli counterpart amid growing worries in both...
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