Joseph Muscat und Laburista Person-Info 

( Ich bin Joseph Muscat)
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Google News: Resilience shown in the face of adversity

[Times of Malta] - Jien nahseb li Super One u il Medja Laburista qieghda taghaddi zmien bin nies u bik? U kull darba tigi w taghddi elezjoni kollha kemm intkhom tighdu fejn

Joseph Muscat instab ħati ta' malafama - NETnews
Ann Fenech rebħet żewġ libelli kontra l-Prim Ministru Joseph Muscat u l-Partit Laburista. Il-Qorti kkundannat żewġ stqarrijiet li ħareġ il-Partit ...

Joseph Muscat and Adrian Delia meet at the Labour Party's...
Prime Minister and Labour Party Leader, Joseph Muscat, welcomed the Nationalist Party Leader, Adrian Delia, at the Ċentru Nazzjonali Laburista for their first meeting. Dr Muscat expressed the wish that a positive relation prevails between them, even if there are areas where they do not agree. Dr Delia, on ...

Filmat: Joseph Muscat jgħid li n-nies għandhom jivvutaw lil PL għax...
Kien dan il-messaġġ tal-mexxej Laburista Joseph Muscat waqt laqgħa mal-partitarji f'Ħaż-Żabbar meta kien qed jitkellem dwar ir-roħs ta' żewġ ...