Joseph Wresinski Person-Info 

( Ich bin Joseph Wresinski)


In the footsteps of Joseph Wresinski | Congregation of Our Lady of...
February 12th marks the centenary of the birth of Father Joseph Wresinski. Joseph Wresinski was born on February 12th in a very poor family living in...

Joseph Wresinski Cultuur Stichting - Nieuws | Stichting Armoedefonds
Stichting Armoedefonds steunt de Joseph Wresinski Cultuur Stichting met hun project - Zingt het Voort- in Zwolle met mensen die structureel in ...
Verwandte Suchanfragen zu Joseph Wresinski
Lisa-Marie Schmidt
Vorname "Joseph" (14423)
Name "Wresinski" (4)
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