Joy Just Person-Info 

( Ich bin Joy Just)


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Texas woman gives birth to 16-pound boy
[AHN | All Headline News] - Emerging with a full head of hair and chest measuring 17 inches, this big bundle of joy just may be the biggest baby ever born in the state of Texas. Johnson was told by her doctors to expect a big baby, perhaps 12 to 13 pounds, so she politely told

Google News: In Defence of the Dark Arts

[The Hindu] - There are times I read just because the reading brings me joy, just as I listen to a vacuous pop tune because of the way it enters my ear and my brain, and triggers a few electrical impulses that result in a state of mild euphoria, the kind I feel when

Google News: The Editor: No joy, just our job, in reporting scandal

[Atlanta Journal Constitution] - By Kevin Riley When the state's special investigators issued their report on the Atlanta Public Schools cheating scandal last week, it affirmed years of reporting by The Atlanta Journal-Constitution. The investigators mentioned the newspaper's

'Sleeping' doesn't rest well
[New York Post] - The statuesque ballerina made it through a marathon of slow balances in Act 1, but without projecting any joy, just relief as if it were a challenge on "Survivor." In her delicate solo in the final act, her feet gave out and she dropped off pointe.
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