Judith Martin und Miss Manners Person-Info 

( Ich bin Judith Martin)
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Judith Martin, Nicholas Ivor Martin and Jacobina MartinThe Mercury News

December 4, at 6:57 a.m.. Plus: I don't care what your reason is, it's rude not to take a piece of cake. Miss Manners Judith Martin ...

Miss Manners gives tips on proper flight etiquette | Fox News

In the era of uncomfortable airline travel we reached out to Miss Manner for tips.

Judith Martin & Nicholas Ivor Martin - Miss Manners Minds ...Politics & Prose

As she's done for situations ranging from formal weddings to the weekend breakfast table, Judith Martin, here ably assisted by her son Nicholas, ...

Miss Manners Judith Martin | The Mercury News

Get the latest Miss Manners columns from Judith Martin, a manners and etiquette expert, who answers your questions from The Mercury News.