Judy Grote Person-Info 

( Ich bin Judy Grote)


Obituary: On the ice or in the air, James Magnus always a champ

James Magnus was a champion on the ice and in the air for the University of Minnesota.

MROSD opponents explain their appeal, list their accomplishments

Coastsider: Montara, Moss Beach, El Granada, Half Moon Bay reviews, news and forums

Silver Taps Notification - Aggie Networkwww.aggienetwork.com › news › silver-taps-notific...

· and Karen Grote, Judy Grote; cousins, Lee Roy Grote III, Melanie Grote, Amanda Dismukes, William Grote; and special uncle Billy Jarrell. He was ...

Those Were the Days — Oct. 25, Delphos Herald

25 Years Ago This week in 1989, television evangelist Jim Bakker was handed a 45-year prison sentence for stealing millions of dollars from followers of his
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