Julia Klaasen Person-Info 

( Ich bin Julia Klaasen)


(1 - 4 von 8

Councillor's house set alightNews24

— Captain Julia Klaasen said the incident happened at around 23:00 on Tuesday. No one was arrested in connection with the incident and ...

Boy of nine found after month

Mystery surrounds the disappearance of a nine-year-old boy found wandering the streets in Pretoria after he went missing more than a month ago.

When cops go criminal - SAIRR - NEWS & ANALYSIS | Politicsweb

Institute analyses police involvement in serious and violent crime in SA

"Köln ": Das wusstet ihr noch nicht über Margarita, Ingo & Co!

Aus "Köln " kennen wir sie als Alex, Julia, Marc und Co. Doch die privaten Darsteller hinter den Rollen hüten so einige Geheimnisse,
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