Julian Trevelyan Person-Info 

( Ich bin Julian Trevelyan)


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Guardian: Mary Fedden and Julian Trevelyan collection to be auctioned | Artwww.theguardian.com › artanddesign › sep › mary-...

· Works including items by Henry Moore and Pablo Picasso will raise funds to preserve couple's former studio at Durham Wharf.

Julian Trevelyan and Mary Fedden: a marriage that blazed with talent...

Our love of Fedden’s art made us neglect the brilliant work of her husband, Julian Trevelyan

Un Britannique de 16 ans lauréat du concours de piano Long Thibaud...

Un Britannique de 16 ans, Julian Trevelyan, est devenu mercredi le plus jeune lauréat de l'histoire du prestigieux concours Long Thibaud Crespin de piano,...

Julian Trevelyan: The Artist and his World - Exhibition at Pallant...

Discover the unique vision of Julian Trevelyan Surrealist, traveller and painter of everyday life.
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