Julie Griffiths Person-Info 

( Ich bin Julie Griffiths)


(1 - 4 von 37

Ho-hum California election cycle paid off for political world | The...

Randy Pench . Julie Griffiths, part of the Republican political consulting firm GOCO Consulting, stands with state Sen. Andy Vidak, R-Hanford, outside the Capitol. Griffiths' firm managed the ground operations for the re-election of Vidak in Randy Pench  ...

Mum has head tattoo for charity | Worcester News

SHAVING her head wasn't enough for one Pershore fundraiser who got a tattoo on her head as well in a bid to raise money for a charity rescuing…

The multi-million pound business started as a laugh - BBC News

How MorphCostumes, started by three Edinburgh University graduates, went from a joke to a multi-million pound business.

Julie Griffiths case shows we can't trivialise domestic Yahoo!

earned herself the attention of the British tabloids with greater ...
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