Julie Mack Person-Info 

( Ich bin Julie Mack)


(1 - 4 von 19

Julie Mack blog: MEA's battle on tenure moves to recall movement -...

The same week that Gov. Rick Snyder signed a package of tenure reform bills into law, the Michigan Education Association -- a fierce opponent of those changes...

Guardian: Ben Butler makes 'unfair trial' claim after doctor's evidence is...

Butler, accused of killing daughter Ellie, six, calls expert witness but judge admonishes defence over ‘improper’ questioning

Julie Mack makes $5,265 in working as a public employee in...

Julie Mack made $5,265 in working as a public employee in Muskegon County, placing the worker in the 14th percentile of pay for Michigan public employees.

Julie Mack blog: Otsego's move from MESSA will save district about...

In the school community, there's a certain OMG factor to the announcement that teachers at Otsego Public Schools have agreed to switch insurers carriers from...
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