Julie Myers Person-Info 

( Ich bin Julie Myers)


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Heise.de: US-Behörden gehen gegen Anbieter von Mod-Chips vor | heise online

In einer landesweit koordinierten Aktion haben US-Zollfahnder die Büros und Privaträume von Anbietern von Mod-Chips für Spielkonsolen in 16 Bundesstaaten...

Bush immigration chief resigns - CNN.com

Department of Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff announced the resignation of Julie Myers, assistant secretary for Immigration and Customs...

Julie Myers News | Photos | Quotes | Wiki - UPI.com

Julie Myers News from United Press International.

WOOD AND MARTIN: Smart alternatives to immigrant detention -...

Congress held two hearings this month to examine the government's decision to release more than 2,000 immigrants from detention for budgetary reasons. The good...
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