Julie Sorkin Person-Info 

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Julie Sorkin Maguire "This Material Life" Now Open

Julie Sorkin Maguire's “This Material Life” is on display now at the The Mankiw Family Gallery. “The concept of the treasures we leave behind ...

Honoring and remembering [accident victims Shea Fitzgerald, Sam...

Media Type: Newspaper; Item Type: Articles; Notes: Honoring and remembering [accident victims Shea Fitzgerald, Sam Farmer, Julie Sorkin], editorial

'There Was No Warning' - CBS News

Crowded …go Porch Collapses, Killing 12, Injuring Dozens

Joel M. Woldman - Wicked Local

— ... his brother-in-law, Kenneth Sorkin; his niece, Julie Sorkin of Alexandria, Va.; and his nephew, Andrew Sorkin of Boston. › story › › joel-...
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