Julius Polz Person-Info 

( Ich bin Julius Polz)


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"Scientists for Future" engagieren sich auch in unserer Region -...

27. Nov · Gründungs-Team der „Scientists for Future“-Gruppe Garmisch-Partenkirchen (v.l.): Dr. Edwin Haas, Julius Polz, Dr. Kathrin Fuchs, Dr. Ralf Kiese, Dr. Hannes ...

HIDA DATATHON for Grand Challenges on Climate Changedigitalearth-hgf.de › project › project-news › hida-d...

Christian Werner, Maximilian Graf and Julius Polz took part in the challenge "Spot the mistake in ~ 50 million data points, cleverly" and won. The challenge ...

Fritz chwala complete works of oswald

Evaluation of the WMO-SPICE transfer functions for adjusting the wind bias in solid Maximilian Graf, Christian Chwala, Julius Polz, and Harald ...

Program | OISAC23 Workshop - Wixcellenmon2020.wixsite.com › oisac23 › programme

Julius Polz (1), Luca Glawion (1), Maximilian Graf (2), Christos Pikridas (1), Nico Blettner (2), Elzbieta Lasota (1), Lennart Schmidt (3), Harald Kunstmann ...
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