Justin Nifong Person-Info 

( Ich bin Justin Nifong)


Justin Nifong – Patent Attorney

Practicing as a patent attorney, Mr. Nifong has represented many international companies, universities, and startups across the country.He has worked as outside counsel for a Fortune 10 company, with various venture funds on due diligence matters and intellectual property procurement, with university projects that have received private funding, and with established companies to add value to ...

Legal | Justin Nifong | Venture Cafe Winston-Salem

Justin R. Nifong is a founder of NK Patent Law and an experienced Patent attorney. Additionally, Mr. Nifong practices as a Trademark attorney, helping clients ...

Fall Wolf Tank Winners | Entrepreneurship

· Kathy Hensgen, Justin Nifong, Andy Albright, Lorie Goins, and Phaedra Boinodiris – for serving as our Wolves for the event! David Tillack – for ...
Verwandte Suchanfragen zu Justin Nifong
Vorname "Justin" (9668)
Name "Nifong" (3)
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