Kai-Uwe Wollenhaupt und Battery Person-Info 

( Ich bin Kai-Uwe Wollenhaupt)
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Chinese battery maker SVOLT plans five Europe plants - CNAwww.channelnewsasia.com › business › chinese-batt...

· ... least 50 gigawatt-hours in Europe by the end of the decade, SVOLT Europe head Kai-Uwe Wollenhaupt said in an interview with Bloomberg.

Europa: SVOLT plant fünf Batteriewerke - Battery-News.debattery-news.de › index.php › › svolt-plant-fuenf-batteriewerk...

· ... wenn mehr Ressourcen wie Land und qualifizierte Arbeitskräfte zur Verfügung stünden, erklärte SVOLT-Europa-Chef Kai-Uwe Wollenhaupt.

Honeycomb Energy plans to build 5 new traction battery factories in ...www.invt.com › news

· Kai-Uwe Wollenhaupt, the European head of Honeycomb Energy, said that the company aims to achieve at least 50GWh of production capacity in ...

SVOLT aims to establish 5 Battery plants in Europe, targeting etn.news › buzz › svolt-plans-five-battery-plants-eur...

· Quoting Kai-Uwe Wollenhaupt, President of SVOLT Europe, the report claims that the company is targeting a production capacity of at least