Kane Brides Person-Info 

( Ich bin Kane Brides)


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Kane's call of the wild - Manchester Evening News

A SCHOOLBOY dubbed the Birdman of Atherton has been awarded a conservation grant to help continue his work preserving winged wildlife. Unlike most teenagers,...

Guardian: Bid to solve mystery of 50,000 red-breasted geese lost in migration |...

Scientists have fitted 11 geese with tracking tags in an attempt to find the cause of the birds' mass disappearance 10 years ago

Is the robin too ordinary to be Britain's national bird?

As the public is invited to choose Britain's first national bird, which of the shortlisted 10 will get your vote?

Ornithologische Arbeitsgemeinschaft Schleswig-Holstein | Aktuelles

Die Ornithologische Arbeitsgemeinschaft SH und HH arbeitet für den Schutz der Vogelwelt in Schleswig-Holstein. Verschiedene Projekte beschäftigen sich mit der...
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Vorname "Kane" (476)
Name "Brides" (8)
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