Karen E. Wightman Person-Info 

( Ich bin Karen E. Wightman)


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Guardian: Karen Wightman joins Panorama exodus | BBC | The Guardian

Deputy editor to lead al-Jazeera’s investigative team in US as BBC current affairs programme loses another senior journalist. By John Plunkett

Karen Wightman joins Panorama exodus - Worldnews.com

Panorama deputy editor Karen Wightman is leaving the programme to head al-Jazeera’s investigative team based in the US. Photograph: Karim Jaafar/AFP/Getty...

Active East Lothian | A fantastic night of celebrating local success

Angela Thomson – Tranent Colts Football Club; Karen Wightman – North Berwick High School Netball; Jennifer Bennett – Ross High Ladies Hockey Club.

BBC bosses responsible for controversial payoffs are wined and dined...

The corporation's official auditor KPMG was asked by director general Tony Hall, pictured inset, to look into historic golden goodbye deals. But his decision...
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Patricia Leider
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Name "Wightman" (300)
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