Karen Seel Person-Info 

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Oldsmar backs later hour for alcohol sales

[Tampabay.com] - County Commission Chairwoman Karen Seel requested that cities weigh in on the matter. She plans to bring the results of the poll back to the board at its

Pinellas bed tax could be tapped to build new Tampa Bay Rays stadium

[Tampabay.com] - The TDC is passionately divided over using bed tax money for museums, said Karen Seel, who chairs both the TDC and the County Commission.

Tarpon says no thanks to later alcohol sales

[Tampabay.com] - County Commissioner Karen Seel asked local municipalities to consider the extension after the county received requests to amend the countywide ordinance to

Sink Considering Run for Young's Open Seat

said Sink, the former Florida chief for Bank of America, noting she had ... St. Petersburg Mayor Rick Baker and Pinellas County Commissioner Karen Seel. › story › news ›
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