Karim Emara Person-Info 

( Ich bin Karim Emara)


(1 - 4 von 18

Qatar Academy Sidra Holds First Graduation Ceremony | Al Bawaba

Three graduating class speakers, Karim Emara, Thuyrria Al Mulla, and Afnan Farah, also reflected on their individual experiences at QAS, ...

Creative Media Festival Northwestern University in Qatar

“Watani” by Karim Emara, Lojaina Gomaa, Salwa Sadek, and Ria Sayadi. “For a Girl” by Giordana Bido and Maryam Gamar. “A Pamiri Dance ...

Qatar's home-grown talents develop bold new cinematic ...Doha Film Institute

— A project by Karim Emara, an Egyptian producer and director now majoring in Communications at the Northwestern University in Qatar, ...

Studio 20Q Premiere: A glamorous nightNorthwestern University in Qatar

— Thobe El Eid by Afnan Tag and Fatima Dauleh. The Chandelier by Karim Emara and Lojaina Gomaa. Photo gallery.
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