Karim Yousif Abdalla Person-Info 

( Ich bin Karim Yousif Abdalla)


In Darfur, rebels hold out in camps - The Boston Globe

CORCHA CAMP, Sudan -- Abdul Karim Abdalla pounds the earth with a metal cane in a rebel camp in western Darfur, passionately imploring his fellow fighters

Berichte: Berichte aus dem Museum: Artikel (Verein zur Förderung des...

Das Ägyptische Museum mit der Büste der Königin Nofretete, dem Porträt der Königin Teje, dem Berliner Grünen Kopf und die Papyrussammlung mit ca

Supporting Education Progress in Sudan

The Sudan Ministry of Finance and National Economy and the World Bank sign a USD million Grant Agreement for the Sudan Basic Education Recovery Project

Reports: Reports from the museum: Article (Society for the Promotion...

The Egyptian Museum, with the famous Bust of Nefertiti, the portrait of Tje and the Berliner green head together with the Papyrus Collection, containing ca....
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