Karin Kozak Person-Info 

( Ich bin Karin Kozak)


Une aînée reçoit une facture d’eau alors qu’elle était hospitalisée...

Une aînée de Winnipeg qui a reçu une facture d'eau alors qu'elle était hospitalisée pendant deux ans a l'intention de porter plainte contre la Ville.

Winnipeg senior says city billed her $1,500 for water she didn't use

Karin Kozak says she has had seven strokes and was in the hospital for two years, but she somehow ended up with a $1500 water bill in that ...

Kick off for the Spring Tour next week - Domaine équestre des grands...

Toute proche de Saint-Tropez, entre Monaco et Aix-en-Provence, découvrez une des plus belles structures équestres de France. Obstacle, dressage, loisir

Winnipeg senior says city billed her $1,500 for water she didn't use...

A Winnipeg senior and her son say they'll take the city to court after it charged her for water she didn't use while she was in hospital for two years.
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Person "Kozak" (2)
Vorname "Karin" (50302)
Name "Kozak" (472)
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