Karl Anderson und Machine Gun Person-Info 

( Ich bin Karl Anderson)
(1 - 28 von 28

'Machine Gun' Karl Anderson Is Back & Drops HUGE Tease ...www.ringsidenews.com › machine...

Karl Anderson was released from WWE along with so many others. It looks like the Machine Gun is back. Click here for a full list of released ...

Karl Anderson Talks Bullet Club, The Comparisons The Group Gets To...

"Machine Gun" Karl Anderson talks Bullet Club and their success, comparisons to nWo, his thoughts on Fergal Devitt leaving and much more.

Karl Anderson Teases A Trip To Japan, Colt Cabana's Haircut ...www.mandatory.com › news ›

Looks like “Machine Gun” Karl Anderson could be headed back to Japan? ... The former WWE Tag Team Champion was one of the Superstars ...