Karl Jürgen Deniz Person-Info 

( Ich bin Karl Jürgen Deniz)


The Heroic Deed of Marinesko and the Tragedy of the German “Gustloff”

On the 21st of January, Gross-Admiral Karl Deniz gave the following order: “All the German ships available must be sent to save from the Soviet Union everything that can be saved”. Officers were ordered to redeploy the students-submariners and their military weapons and equipment and accommodate the refugees, first of all, women and ...

Zu spätes Aufbäumen

Auf dem ungeliebten Hartplatz in Kinheim gelang dem Spitzenreiter SG Traben-Trarbach im Mittelmoselderby gegen den SV Zeltingen-Rachtig ein mühevoller
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Person "Deniz" (9)
Vorname "Jürgen" (57107)
Name "Deniz" (1497)
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