Karolien Goffin Person-Info 

( Ich bin Karolien Goffin)


Do deficits in brain cannabinoids contribute | EurekAlert!

A new report in Biological Psychiatry suggests that deficits in endocannabinoid function may contribute to anorexia nervosa and bulimia. Endocannabinoids are...

PROSCA faculty 2023Global Congress on Prostate and Bladder Cancer 2022

Karolien Goffin Nuclear Medicine Leuven, Belgium. Peter Hoskin Clinical Oncology Manchester, UK. Rob Jones Medical Oncology Glasgow, UK.

Rewatch - Be-GUS post-ASCO GU virtual symposium 2022medcc.be

Dr. Karolien Goffin (UZ Leuven). video thumbnail. Playing in picture-in-picture. undefined Badge. Link to video owner's profile. Post-ASCO GU


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