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Apps verbessern Ernährungsverhalten | Aktuelles ...

Dec 09, · Originalpublikation: Karoline Villinger, Deborah R. Wahl, Heiner Boeing, Harald T. Schupp, Britta Renner: The effectiveness of app‐based mobile interventions onnutrition behaviours and nutrition‐related health outcomes: A systematic review and meta‐analysis.

Apps can improve nutrition behaviours

Sep 12, · Original publication: Karoline Villinger, Deborah R. Wahl, Heiner Boeing, Harald T. Schupp, Britta Renner: The effectiveness of app‐based mobile interventions on nutrition behaviours and nutrition‐related health outcomes: A systematic review and meta‐analysis.

Coronavirus: Confidence in the face of a difficult ...

Mar 30, · Most people think that the risk of infection is higher for other persons than for themselves”, says Dr Karoline Villinger from the research team. The readiness to get a vaccination against the coronavirus, should a vaccine be available, has increased from 24 percent to 52 percent since the beginning of February.

Coronavirus: Zuversicht trotz Verschärfung der Lage | RTF.1

Trotz steigender Infektionsraten und massiver Einschränkungen des öffentlichen Lebens sind die Menschen in Deutschland gemäß einer gesundheitspsychologischen...
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