Katherine Figueroa und Sheriff Joe Person-Info 

( Ich bin Katherine Figueroa)
(1 - 4 von 7

Bernie Sanders calls out Arizona sheriff for ‘un-American and...

Bernie Sanders took on the controversial Sheriff Joe Arpaio of Maricopa County on Thursday by accusing him of being “un-American and uncivilised.” The Vermont...

Joe Arpaio Retaliates Against Katherine Figueroa, Hits Uncle Sam's...

Remember when Sheriff Joe Arpaio's lawyer Tim Casey told federal Judge G. Murray Snow that,

Family separations trigger memories of Joe Arpaio immigration raid

At age 9, Katherine Figueroa was separated from her parents after an immigration raid by Sheriff Joe Arpaio ...
Verwandte Suchanfragen zu Katherine Figueroa
Person "Figueroa" (1)
Vorname "Katherine" (3197)
Name "Figueroa" (6897)