Katja Leyendecker und Newcycling Person-Info 

( Ich bin Katja Leyendecker)
(1 - 9 von 11

How a trip to the cycle Paradise of Bremen was food ...Chronicle Live

— Newcycling chairman Katja Leyendecker said the city in Germany was one of the best places in the world for cyclists.

GB Cycling Embassy launches CyclingFallacies.com to ...Cycling Industry News

— Newcycling Chair Katja Leyendecker said “This tool will really free up our time for the important stuff! It's so vital for campaigners to ...

_PR core cities S4C NewcastleCycling UK

— Katja Leyendecker, Chair of Newcycling, Newcastle's cycling campaign, said: "It's great to see our campaigning effort pay off.

National Conference session to focus on cycling

Also speaking in the session is Katja Leyendecker, a researcher from Northumbria University and co-founder of newcycling.org – a campaign ...
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Person "Leyendecker" (1)
Vorname "Katja" (29558)
Name "Leyendecker" (534)